September's Read


Celebrating my comeback to the "reading world", before it's too late, here's a list of my September's Read. I read four books about self-improvement, continuing my last read from early this year (Sebuah Seni Untuk Bersikap Bodo Amat and The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up) and two new books I started to read this month. Yea maybe that's why I'm able to finish four books in like two weeks (I started reading again in mid-late September). So, this is my September's Read, write by date finished.

The Little Guide to Un-Procrastination by Leo Babauta

Cover of The Little Guide to Un-Procrastination by Leo Babauta

Just like the title, this book is really a little guide for the reader. The contents are to the point. Each chapter is answering a question about procrastination like why would be the cause, how to stop procrastinating. So sorry but I don't think I will recommend this book.

Rate: 3/5

The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

Cover The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

I love the idea of things that sparks joy when we touch it. The idea of tidying up my space and say goodbye to things that don't spark joy is really brilliant. I tried to do this when cleaning up, thinking if the thing I hold sparks joy or not. I really want to implement this tidying up technique but honestly, it's hard. Especially about things that have memories in it. But this book really opens my eyes to tidying up. Would be great if this book includes illustration, especially in folding clothes part.

Rate: 4/5

Sebuah Seni Untuk Bersikap Bodo Amat by Mark Manson

Cover Sebuah Seni Untuk Bersikap Bodo Amat by Mark Manson

I read the translated version and I can't seem to grasp the main idea of this book. It took me a while to continue reading it. Started reading at the beginning of the year and I just finally finished it this month. I think I need to re-read this book and make notes for each chapter. It would be even better to read the English version.

Rate: 3.5/5

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Cover Atomic Habits by James Clear

I have no regret buying this book. I think this is a great book to start a new resolution regarding habit. It has a very clear way of how to maintain a good habit and get rid of a bad habit. And also in each chapter, there's a real story related to the content of the chapter, and each chapter closed with a summary. I'm trying to implement the content of this book. Such a great book to start a new month.

Rate: 5/5

I would really like to make this post longer but I feel it's kinda hard especially writing in English. I hope the next month's read it would be more comprehensive. Still can't decide if I should write in Bahasa Indonesia or English. Let's see it later.

See you in October's Read

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